Vice and Easy
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
104 episodes of Vice and Easy since the first episode, which aired on March 10th, 2022.
Viced Tea Special: Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith's Timeline
October 27th, 2023 | Season 3 | 23 mins 6 secs
famous guest stars, viced tea, viced tea special
This week on Miami Vice: Viced Tea special! We go through the turbulent romantic history of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith and all the supporting players: Marjorie Wallace (feat. a scandal with Tom Jones), Steven Bauer, Antonio Banderas (and his first wife and Madonna), and more!
S03 E24: Heroes of the Revolution
October 20th, 2023 | Season 3 | 50 mins 59 secs
season 3
This week on Miami Vice: We close out Season 3 with a Gina-centric episode when her late mother's fiancé comes to Miami in the name of vengeance (we love Miami vengeance!) against a Cuban exile with ties to Castro who killed her mother in a fit of jealousy. We get to see Saundra Santiago sing her heart out with a lot of blue light as she learns more about her family's past through this fiancé, Klaus... who is wanted by the cops for his East German ties. Gina can never win!
S03 E23: Everybody's in Show Biz
October 6th, 2023 | Season 3 | 42 mins 53 secs
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Tubbs is trying to make a deal with a bigwig crack dealer named Gallego when Gallego gets ripped off for cash and a suitcase that he almost gave up his life to protect... questions? What's in the suitcase? And why were the robbers wearing prosthetics and stage makeup? This leads back to a once reformed ex-con who runs a theatre for ex-cons called Mi Vida Loca (no relation to the movie) as a way to give them a safe form of expression. Crockett knows the talent Mikey has and can't understand why he gave up so much and burned so many bridges along the way, and now he's at risk of throwing his whole life away, and of those that love him, for Gallego's suitcase. Guest starring: Benecio Del Toro!
S03 E22: Viking Bikers From Hell
September 29th, 2023 | Season 3 | 50 mins 55 secs
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett is indirectly responsible for the death of a biker gang member to prevent his cover from being blown, which set off a chain of events as one gang member, Reb (Reb Brown), is freshly out on parole and dedicated to avenging his fallen friend, which means killing as many as it takes. Reb tries doing right by his friend's sister, Victoria, who wants nothing to do with her brother's other life and believes he's doing the right thing on his way to Valhalla as Vice tries to stop him, as Tubbs becomes collateral damage.
S03 E21: Knock, Knock... Who's There?
September 22nd, 2023 | Season 3 | 51 mins 19 secs
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett and Tubbs get raided by the DEA while making a deal with Esteban Montaya (Ian McShane) and after they take the goods... they realize something's off. As they try to uncover unsavoury DEA involvement, Internal Affairs eye Crockett and Tubbs. They try to use old contacts to get more info, one of which is a DEA agent, a woman who is at the end of her rope with quite possibly the worst luck you can imagine.
S03 E20: By Hooker By Crook
September 16th, 2023 | Season 3 | 1 hr 9 mins
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Guest stars galore! Don Johnson directs his ex-wife - and at this time, future ex-wife again and mother of his child in this episode, as Melanie Griffith plays a secretive businesswoman who has a role to play in the death of a dirty businessman and a beautiful escort (Vanity) and who has a long-standing relationship with an even bigger businessman, played by George Takei. Crockett once again falls for someone out of his world, but this time, it's a lot more surprising when connections are made (and exposed in a live television interview). Was Christine von Marburg the original SHE-E-O/Girlboss? Or the inspiration for Heidi Fleiss? Maybe both?
Other topics include: the first-world problem of jet lag, roulette wheels, messy breakups and interestingly timed pregnancies and more! -
S03 E19: Red Tape
September 8th, 2023 | Season 3 | 55 mins 38 secs
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett and Tubbs assist rookie cops (Guest Stars: Lou Diamond Phillips and Viggo Mortensen) to execute a search warrant, which turns out to be a trap and it's becoming a pattern in South Florida. Tubbs is irate that no one seems to take the leak of private information and its deadly consequences seriously, and partners up with a Special Investigations Agent who has a plan for him to get his retirement money way quicker, after he gets arrested trying to get his money from the Credit Union. The surviving rookie cop, Bobby, is following Tubbs closely after the botched search warrant that killed his partner as Tubbs seems to alienate the rest of the Vice team that tries to help, like Switek and Crockett. Lou Diamond Phillips and Edward James Olmos on screen before they were getting into it over math in HIghlnd Park.
S03 E18: Lend Me An Ear
September 1st, 2023 | Season 3 | 59 mins 52 secs
season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett brings in a former cop and surveillance whiz named Duddy to assist in an investigation of a mysterious and rightfully paranoid dealer, as they try and figure out what exactly he's dealing. Add the dealer's extreme paranoid and vengeance to the mix and you've got a lot of bodies in the way, will Duddy - who tries to play both sides - be next? Other questions include: What would Duddy do and feel about the age we live in now? How ahead of the times was Miami Vice on issues of personal surveillance and technology working against us? Why I shouldn't have coffee and my adventure in American Credit Scores!
S03 E17: The Afternoon Plane
July 28th, 2023 | Season 3 | 48 mins 52 secs
calderone, famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Tubbs wins an all-expense paid trip that turns into a nightmare once he realize the town was practically bought and funded with the late Esteban Calderone's drug money, which died along with him, and Orlando Calderone (John Leguizamo) is on his way to seek revenge. Vincent D'Onofrio guest stars as a criminal who Tubbs helped lock up on a Murder One charge that magically got out, wonder who's side he's on? Michael Mann casting strikes hot with the gorgeous Alicia who was out favourite seductive wife in Season One's "The Great McCarthy", who stars as Alicia and who works together with one of Tubbs' exes from New York (not Valerie). Thank you for listening and I will see you all in September after taking August off :)
S03 E16: Theresa
July 21st, 2023 | Season 3 | 58 mins 32 secs
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett's one-scene girlfriend from last week Theresa (Helena Bonham Carter) is hiding a drug habit from him that ends up with a decision to pass information along that destroys the evidence against a drug kingpin Wyatt (Brad Dourit, the voice of Chucky) and kills multiple people in the process. Crockett does all he can to help her, but she is facing the prospect of losing her medical license as a result of the arrest and treatment. Crockett has to do what's best for her while also clearing his name and reputation with Internal Affairs. Other topics include: it's time to be European and I'm taking August off (see video link below for inspiration lol), why Helena Bonham Carter sounds too posh to make this believable, but not too posh to wreck multiple homes in her real life, how doing what's best for someone else hurts you and more!
S03 E15: Duty and Honor
July 14th, 2023 | Season 3 | 59 mins 34 secs
season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Oscar Winner Haing S. Ngor guest stars as a investigator named Trahn who worked with Castillo in Vietnam to try and catch a serial killer targeting sex workers, and when similar murders start occurring in Miami, he comes to town to investigate. Crockett and Tubbs try and question fellow Vietnam veterans to get more info on who this serial killer could be and battle with the ethics at play while Castillo and Trahn dig deeper into a possible "company" connection. Crockett is dating the palest (naturally British) woman in Miami, be careful of who you trust, did Miami Vice start the leather duster to serial killer or vampire slayer trend? and more!
Trigger Warning: this episode deals with a lot of heavy themes such as sexual abuse, genocide and murder. -
S03 E14: Cuba Libre
July 7th, 2023 | Season 3 | 49 mins 10 secs
season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett and Tubbs get caught up in a paramilitary plot to assassinate a Cuban dignitary when a drug deal goes bust and the dealer and a fellow cop get shot. The feds get involved when Vice starts digging into Victor Vasquez, who did work for them after he defected from Cuba and throw a wrench in their plans. Things get hairier when a meet between Vasquez and Zamora with Tubbs posing undercover as Cooper escalate from just a rip-off to an off...period and Crockett is taken hostage in the thick, jungle-like forest. The paramilitary group known as the La Segunda Brigada are planning to assassinate the Cuban Deputy Commissioner of Prisons who is in town in Miami, who is definitely not keeping a low profile by riding a limo with a Cuban flag (and in a goof an American flag), especially at a time when the US and Cuba had no diplomatic relations. Come for the plots holes, stay for the party scenes and the rumble in the jungle. Marina got a visit from the hat man earlier this week so forgive any mistakes or mispronounced words!
Viced Tea Special: Sonny Crockett's Timeline
June 30th, 2023 | Season 3 | 14 mins 42 secs
viced tea special
This week on Miami Vice: A short little drink of Viced Tea to get you through the long weekend! How old is Sonny Crockett really? When was he in Vietnam and when did he start in Vice? The man has lived many lives, so let's break it down!
Edit: I know some online sources say Crockett did two tours, but, I've only found audio of him saying two years, which I understood to be subsequent, could both be true and maybe he's older than the show would have it? Or were there goofs in the continuity?
S03 E13: Down For The Count: Part Two
June 23rd, 2023 | Season 3 | 52 mins 53 secs
season 3
This week on Miami Vice: The conclusion of Down For the Count. Switek is still reeling from Zito's death which everybody knows is a murder, except IAD and they want more conclusive evidence before they can change their minds. Guzman's gator skin book gets decoded by one of Crockett's old war buddies (Chris Elliot in a great cameo) and it turns out Guzman has been milking a Vegas hot shot in his little book cooking scheme. He comes to Miami and Vice takes this time as a way to pit these two against each other. The FBI warns Crockett that Giulinni, the Vegas mafioso who was also in One Eyed Jack (Michael Mann casting!) - is not pleased with them or their affiliation with Guzman but, Crockett brushes it off. This all culminates when both sides put hits out on each other in Miami, will Vice be there in time? This depends on Switek, who is out for revenge after what happened to Larry. Other topics include: wait, how old is Crockett?
S03 E12: Down For The Count: Part One
June 16th, 2023 | Season 3 | 46 mins 34 secs
famous guest stars, season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Zito is back in action...for a while when Vice infiltrates the Miami boxing circuit to get closer to a promoter named Guzman, who was a major importer not even three years ago but has supposedly "changed" his tune. Even Don Cash, naturally played by Don King knows this and warns Crockett and Tubbs. Zito apparently has experience, since this is maybe the second or third episode we really learn anything about him, and a friend involved named Moon (Randall "Tex" Cobb) who's training a hot shot named Sykes, and Vice wants to use Sykes as bait to catch Guzman, since they know he's not truly clean. Unfortunately, a lot of people are going to get caught in the middle, including our dear Larry Zito.
S03 E11: Forgive Us Our Debts
June 9th, 2023 | Season 3 | 47 mins 11 secs
season 3
This week on Miami Vice: Crockett gets information that could exonerate a man he put on Death Row for killing his partner back in 1980. He brings this to the State Attorney who is in the middle of an election campaign that is decidedly pro-capital punishment and he won't move it further unless Crockett can get corroborating witnesses. Crockett embarks on a mission to get statements as the clocks tick to free a supposedly innocent man who is facing the electric chair.